Welcome to Achievers Toastmasters Club!

Entries must be received by the D51 PR team by March 31, 2012.

HURRY UP !!!! SIGN UP NOW.......!!!!!

Happy 2012!

Save the EARTH!

A true conservationist is a man who knows that the world is not given by his fathers,but borrowed from his children.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Division H Evaluate to Motivate and Humourous Speech Workshop

Sunday, August 7 · 12:30pm - 5:00pm
 Bilik Mawar, Safira Country Club, Seberang Jaya

Why You Need to Join?: 
Incredible speakers Dr Asha and Mr Michael Rajesh will be sharing their secrets for giving empowering evaluations and crafting humorous speeches.

Early bird fee is RM10 for those who register before August 1st.
Seats are limited to the first 50, so grab this opportunity and register now!

Bulletin 51

Enjoy Bulletin 51 from District 51~

* Who are the District Officers for 2011/2012?

* The Rebranding of Toastmasters International

* Passion Drive: Be recognized with a FREE official Club Banner with the NEW Toastmasters logo!

* Online video tutorials for organizing speech contests

Please click thumbnail below to enlarge/download the bulletin now! 


Sunday, July 17, 2011


We would like to take a moment and welcome you as a new member. This site contains a wealth of information that will be helpful to you as a new member of the association.

Again, welcome!

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Thank you all for your support and effort that have put in to achieve PRESIDENT'S DISTINGUISHED CLUB!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

District Website and Voice of 51 4th Issue

Dear District Officers and members,

Warm greetings from District Public Relations Team!

I am pleased to inform you that our latest issue of "Voice of 51" has just been published too.  I wish to apologize that initially we plan to publish a special issue to cover the 18th Penang Annual Convention. However, due to some delay, we have decided to put it together with this 4th Issue of "Voice of 51". This is our last issue of District Newsletter. I wish to thank all those who have contributed to the publication. Hope you will enjoy reading it.

You may click the thumbnail below to download and view.

That's all from me and keep in touch.

Thank you.

Warmest regards,
Koay Kah Hin, ACB, ALS
District Public Relations Officer 2010/11

Mark Your Calendar: 17 July 2011

There will be an evaluation workshop organized by USM and the details are as follow:

Date:17 July 2011, Sunday
Time: 11am-1230pm
Speaker: Dr. Asha Theva
Venue: DK A
Fee: RM 5, tea break will be provided

This is useful to those of you who are interested to participate in the evaluation contest which will be held in August. If not,it is also a useful workshop for all of us as Dr. Asha was a past evaluation champion.
In the afternoon, there will be TLI Training at the same venue too. The main purpose of TLI mainly is for club officers/exco but it's open to club members as well. So if u guys would like to learn something new on leadership role.Therefore, all excos are encouraged to be present to learn their roles. We need 4/7 to get the DCP points.

Date:17 July 2011, Sunday
Time: 12pm-5pm


Incoming Excos 2011/2012

To the incoming Excos for the term 2011/2012 of Achievers Toastmasters Club,

I'm sure many of you are still in the midst of understanding the roles and responsibilities upon accepting the position. Let me share with you my understanding of the responsibility of the Excos for Achievers TMC to get us started with the new term.

The President will need to be the spokesperson for ATMC, delivering Opening and Closing Address during the meeting. Our culture is to have the presidential address in the middle of the meeting so that all the members will be present during the speech, but it still bounds down to the incoming President.
Furthermore, the President will need to communicate with the Area Governor and Division Governor for any news from the district. Of course, the president will also need to oversee the work of the remaining Excos and call for exco meetings.

Vice President Education
The VPE will need to arrange the role-players for the meetings, speakers and also the assignment evaluators. As our incoming president has stated in his general evaluation, a meeting agenda is recommended. The VPE would need to prepare the agenda and circulate among the members through e-mail. However, some members may not read the e-mail, thus the VPE must follow up with the TOE to ensure the role players are informed.
Furthermore, the VPE must keep track of the education goals of the club. 4 CCs, 2 ACs, 2 leadership award ( CL, AL or DTM).

Vice President Membership
The VPM will need to ensure that ATMC still retains its charter strength. Currently, our membership strength is > 25 members. Thus, the VPM is also in charge (along with all of us) to sign up guests as new members. The VPM must also follow up if there are members who wants to quit, or have been missing in action for a long time.

Vice President Public Relationship
ATMC has a blog and now a facebook group (thanks to Clement). The VPPR will need to continuously update these 2 PR media. The VPPR will also need to assist if there are any needs for publicity for contests or guest nights in the newspaper.

The secretary will need to record meeting minutes during the exco meetings and handle paperworks of the club.

The treasurer will need to collect the payment dues from the members and of course, make the payment to Toastmasters International to register the members.

Sergeant at Arms(SAA)
The SAA will need to read the manual of the role because i'm not really sure what an SAA does. But if i'm not mistaken, its more to ensuring safety. (My apologies)

The President, VPE and Treasurer have access to the Toastmasters International website, therefore, these 3 excos can be register new members or submit the education awards for the ATMC.

Outstanding matters to be noted
1. ATMC is now a strong clubs with so many members. Therefore, we have been advised to register our club with the ROS. To do so, the president can call for an EGM and make necessary arrangements to register the club so the we won't be closed down unnecessarily.
2. The new members have not been inducted and assigned mentors.
3. The humorous & Evaluation Contest is around the corner. An organising chairperson and a contest chair must be selected ASAP.

I wish all of you the best in your term! I will always be around to support the club. =)



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